Mini Celebration- 50 Pounds Lost

I was going to do a normal status update, but I’ve hit a milestone, so here we go.

I’ve lost 50 pounds from my peak! I weigh 310 pounds.

Here are things that weigh 50 pounds for frame of reference:

An average 7 year old child.

I could not actually pick up most of these items, but apparently if you distribute the weight and strap it to my body, I can walk around that way for years on end.

Anyhoo, that’s where we are today! Yay me!


Monday Stats – July 22, 2019

Here’s the scoop on last week:

Thursday was my birthday AND my 10-year wedding anniversary. More on that in a moment!

My fasts were pretty good. I did, in fact, go almost 24 hours on Friday. I wasn’t that hungry early in the day and I knew hubby and I were going out to eat for dinner, so I just let it go. I was very ready to eat by the time we did, though.

I weighed in this morning at 316.2 pounds. That is 43.8 pounds lost!

Last week was interesting. I did okay on fasting, but we went out to eat too many times and it definitely caught up with me calorie-wise. I did my best to capture everything I ate (so my calories *look* okay), but honestly, my guesses cannot be accurate. The dinner we had on Thursday, where I definitely went over, I really have no idea how much of the appetizer I had. I have no idea what the calorie count was of the entree I had. I ordered dessert and ate about 1/3 of it, but couldn’t really tell you what the calories on that was, either. I had to find things online that looked similar and hope for the best. The same (sort of) went for Saturday’s dinner. I didn’t eat all day, knowing we were going to a restaurant I like. That restaurant does publish nutrition data, but I’ve been told to use those estimations with caution – the portions might be larger or smaller on any given day – and also, it’s hard to track how much bread you are eating from the free loaf and how much butter you are using. I’m sure not about to whip out the scale, so… I do the best I can.

A part of me would like to avoid restaurants at all costs right now, but another part of me feels like that is not real life and wouldn’t be sustainable for the long-term, so it’s just as well.

Also, I’m super pleased to have lost a pound this week – given my eating was super weird and I think I’m entering the week of PMS-fun-times. I don’t think I’m going to make my goal of under-300 pounds before our vacation, but it’s not like it was a goal I was really working towards, either. I’m just doing what I do and not trying to load in a bunch of expectations, so it’s no big deal.

Anyway, this is me, plodding along, trying to do the right thing for the most part. I do find myself more capable of doing things these days. We bought some pots, plants, and dirt this weekend and I was able to plant all of them, move the sacks of dirt around, and clean up, etc, all on my own. My back didn’t give out on me! Okay, I did struggle to stand up straight for a couple minutes afterwards, but you know. I’m fine today and the plants are in and I feel good that I was able to do it. I think as recent at 3 months ago, I would have needed hubby to do more of the physical part while I did more of the pointing-at-things part, but not this time! Small steps, guys! Small steps.


I Decided To Measure

Everyone says you should. I never do when I start a diet, because I have no faith in myself. But I did it this time! I’m going all-in, y’all. Y’all-in?

My actual measuring tape! A health insurance company sent me this some years ago, along with a portion plate. This guy has been so handy, tho! I mostly use it for crafts. Diet schmiet.

Here you go, enjoy these ugly statistics (I am extra so I measured a few oddball items for fun):

Head: 23.5″ (Call me Fathead Everdeen)

Neck: 17″

Upper Arm (at the dangliest bit): 22″ **Note: Part of my upper arm is sort of normal in size, but the uppermost part is like the skin gave out and I have a super giant dangly bit, which I should photograph for you, but I don’t know if I can look at a picture of it TBH. Y’all need to know that if I get below 175lbs, I am absolutely getting my arms done FIRST. I will sell my car to do it; I do not care.

Forearm: 11″

Wrist: 7.25″

Index Finger: 2.75″ (size 12 ring, of which I have a lot. I look forward to needing to resize them.) Also, I am a dork. Shoulda measured my birdy finger – that’s the one that gets the most use.

Boobs: Did not measure. My boobs aren’t where they are supposed to be, and I’m measuring my waist anyway… (j/k, but not entirely) Size 46G right now.

Waist: 48″

Hips: 64″ (These boys are chair busters, I am telling you.)

Thigh: 37″ (Arguably some of the largest thighs around, but that’s true even when I’m not morbidly obese) That gives me about 74″ of combined thigh. Y’all know these babies are going to look like loose harem pants one day.

Calf: 20″

These numbers are as of today. Most of these dimensions would have been larger 6 weeks ago, I know because of the way things fit today.

I like to think of my natural figure as Peasant Build. Sturdy legs, extra energy stored on my thighs (for working the fields), wide hips (for birthin’), small waist (for attaching aprons), big boobs (for attractin’ a mate and feeding babies). I did not make full use of my build and am childless, but that was just bad luck.

That’s all for today!


***Okay, I did my boobs in 2 parts and they fall somewhere between 52″ and 56″. I could have put on a bra, but this is LOW EFFORT ™ fun.